
FCC Laws You Have Probably Broken!

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June 17, 2021
Online - YouTube
David B. [517]

FCC Rules for CB Radio, GMRS, FRS, and MURS that you probably do not know about, have probably already broken, and what happens when you break FCC rules - Will you be fined or go to jail for using a UV-5R or breaking other FCC rules? AND - If you have a GMRS license can the FCC search your home without a warrant to "inspect your radio equipment" ?


Read the FCC laws for yourself here:

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---Step-by-step guide to purchasing your GMRS license:


00:00 - Witty, yet informative intro

00:12 - Legal disclaimer

00:36 - What you will learn in this video

01:34 - The FCC laws and rules you probably do not know

03:50 - Does getting a GMRS license grant the FCC the authority to break into your home and conduct a no-warrant search of your property to "inspect your radio equipment" ?

09:58 - What happens when you violate the FCC rules or break the FCC laws?

15:35 - Do I advocate violating FCC rules? Should you break the law?

16:12 - Before you leave a comment or correct me, watch this

17:31 - Tearful goodbye Music by Stern Beats - You can find him here:


Content Credit - NotaRubicon Productions