Loara Band Festival 2024
Hello CRESTliners.
Yesterday was our first experience working this event at Western High School in Anaheim. It began to be a challenge when we first saw the Googlemap picture of the school. Where are we going to park all these vehicles? That would include 119 Busses, 4 semi rigs, 26 truck and trailers, and hundreds of cars/pickups of visitors and volunteer vehicles. We parked every single one on site without having to send anyone off to another school and walk back. It was challenging but we succeeded with teamwork by all involved.
We had two amazing CREST Affiliates who volunteered and worked like a seasoned team member. I can't thank them enough. Officially, we had 20 members who signed up for Loara. The morning of the event we had 3 cancellations due to unforesceen circumstances at home. We home all is well with them today.
I had a chance during a midday lull to speak with the Loara Direction of operations. He inquired of me my opinion of parking vehicles at this site vs Glover Stadium. The answer is Glover is better. While Glover has some challenges over the years we have overcome all of those challenges the city has thrown at us. At Western we had to deal with TWO parking areas - one in the front paved parking lot and another the other side of the school in the outfield grass area of three ballfields. Nobody could dare tread on the infield dirt or lawns which were coned off. We had to contend with slanted 13'X18' solar panels installed in the front parking lot with only 13' clearance. Semi rig trailers are taller than that and some busses with the rear A/C roof units are also iffy. We parked busses diagonally under the higher 18' side while towed trailers could be parked single file under the lower 13' edge. Three semi rigs we just barely able to get by with close guidance by us to the drivers and even backing them into their spot. Those drivers are professionals!
We provided lots of pizza for our people. Of course plenty of water through the day.
The entire event went smoothly using simplex 675 with our 141 tone. We will do that same thing again next month for the Savanna band event on November 16 at Western H.S. Some of you have already volunteered. For those of you that do not have your two events worked to satisfy membership requirements for next year, this is your last opportunity. We do not have any more events after Savanna. I'm not going to list who you are -- you know.
Please check into our Monday night NET tomorrow night at 8pm. Mike (210) will have more information you will want to hear.
Thursday, November 7th is our General Membership meeting. That will be election of officers night also. We might also have some new procedural items to vote on. Be sure to check in.
I wish you a Happy and Safe Halloween. GO Dodgers!
Ed, 25